Hàng ngày, có hàng tỉ lượt brute-force vào cổng SSH trên các server public cổng SSH này, có thể đó là cổng 22 mặc định.
Nó là khởi đầu cho vô vàn thảm hoạ, nếu hacker vào được server của bạn.
Hoặc giả dụ, bạn làm mất SSH Private Key, lộ SSH Password thì đây là công cụ bạn cần.
Nó giúp bạn ngay lập tức nhận được 1 tin nhắn tới Telegram nếu phát hiện có phiên đăng nhập vào SSH từ địa chỉ IP lạ.
Sẽ rất tốt nếu bạn có 1 VPN an toàn, whitelisted hoặc IP tĩnh.
Hoặc đơn giản, khai báo địa chỉ IP whitelisted vào file bash, hệ thống sẽ giúp bạn giám sát, cảnh báo sớm nếu có lượt đăng nhập trái phép full-width
#!/bin/bash ################################################################################## # _ _ _ _ # # | | | | | \ | | # # | |__| |_ _ _ __ __ _ | \| | __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ # # | __ | | | | '_ \ / _` | | . ` |/ _` | | | | | | |/ _ \ '_ \ # # | | | | |_| | | | | (_| | | |\ | (_| | |_| | |_| | __/ | | | # # |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, | |_| \_|\__, |\__,_|\__, |\___|_| |_| # # __/ | __/ | __/ | # # |___/ |___/ |___/ # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # BEAR Manage Server Script Configure # # Manage Server by Hung Nguyen - [email protected] - https://nguyenanhung.com # # Any copying without written permission is a violation of copyright policy! # ################################################################################## SCRIPT_VERSION="2.2.7" # Define whitelist IP addresses DEFAULT_WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS=( "" "" ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Script alert SSH Login to Telegram # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Function to merge multiple arrays into one merge_arrays() { local result=() # Initialize an empty array to store the merged result local array_name # Variable to hold the name of each array passed as an argument local element # Variable to store individual elements of arrays local array_length # Variable to store the length of the current array local i # Index variable for looping through array elements # Loop through each array name passed to the function for array_name in "$@"; do array_length=$(eval "echo \${#${array_name}[@]}") # Get the length of the array using eval to access the array by name # Loop through the elements of the array using index for ((i = 0; i < array_length; i++)); do element=$(eval "echo \${${array_name}[$i]}") # Get each element from the array by name and index result+=("$element") # Append the element to the result array done done printf "%s\n" "${result[@]}" # Output all elements of the result array, each on a new line } # Function parse whitelist IP addresses from configuration to array parse_whitelist_config() { local config_file="/etc/hungng/hungng-server-whitelist.txt" # Path to the whitelist IP addresses configuration file local whitelist_ips=() # Check if the config file exists and is readable if [[ ! -e "$config_file" || ! -r "$config_file" ]]; then return 0 fi # Read the IP addresses from the file and parse into an array while IFS= read -r line; do line=$(echo "$line" | xargs) # Trim whitespace if [ -n "$line" ]; then whitelist_ips+=("$line") fi done <"$config_file" printf "%s\n" "${whitelist_ips[@]}" # Output the array as space-separated values } count_processes_by_user() { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo 0 return fi local process_count process_count=$(ps -eLf | awk -v pattern="$1" '$0 ~ pattern {count++} END {print count}') echo "$process_count" } has_command() { command -v "$1" &>/dev/null } #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Parsing Whitelist IPs configure # #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Call parse_whitelist_config and read the result into an array using read -a PARSED_IPS_FROM_CONFIG=() while IFS= read -r line; do PARSED_IPS_FROM_CONFIG+=("$line") done < <(parse_whitelist_config) # Check if PARSED_IPS_FROM_CONFIG is not empty and is an array if [ ${#PARSED_IPS_FROM_CONFIG[@]} -gt 0 ]; then WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS=() while IFS= read -r ip; do WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS+=("$ip") done < <(merge_arrays DEFAULT_WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS PARSED_IPS_FROM_CONFIG) else WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS=("${DEFAULT_WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS[@]}") fi # Telegram Bot Configuration export BOT_TOKEN="{{YOUR_TELEGRAM_ALERT_BOT_TOKEN}}" # Your Telegram Bot Token export CHAT_ID="{{YOUR_TELEGRAM_SSH_ALERT_CHAT_ID}}" # Your Telegram ChatID / Chat Group ID # Check if SSH_CLIENT variable is not empty if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then # Color NC='\033[0m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' PURPLE="\033[0;35m" ORANGE="\033[38;5;208m" # Function to get the last successful login details for a specific user, excluding the current session get_previous_login_info() { local username=$1 # Check if username is provided if [[ -z "$username" ]]; then echo "Username is required." return 1 fi # Get the last login information, excluding the current session local login_info login_info=$(last -i "$username" | grep -v 'still logged in' | head -n 2 | tail -n 1) # Check if login_info is empty if [[ -z "$login_info" ]]; then echo -e "No previous login information found for user ${YELLOW}$username${NC}." return 1 fi # Extract IP address and login time using `awk` local ip_address ip_address=$(echo "$login_info" | awk '{print $3}') local latest_time latest_time=$(echo "$login_info" | awk '{print $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10}') # Print the result in the desired format echo -e "Last ${YELLOW}$username${NC} login successfully from IP ${YELLOW}$ip_address${NC} at time ${YELLOW}$latest_time${NC}" } # Extract IP address and port from SSH_CLIENT variable SSH_CLIENT_IP=$(echo "$SSH_CLIENT" | awk '{print $1}') SSH_CLIENT_PORT=$(echo "$SSH_CLIENT" | awk '{print $3}') SSH_CLIENT_WHOIS_URL="https://ip.nguyenanhung.com/view?ip=${SSH_CLIENT_IP}" # Get hostname and IP address of the server SERVER_HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f) # Get login time of SSH session SSH_SESSION_LOGIN_TIME=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") SSH_SESSION_LOGIN_DATE_EXEC=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%I-%M-%S-%p") # Define the user's home directory USER_HOME_DIR=$(eval echo ~"${USER}") # Define the temporary directory and file path USER_TMP_DIR="${USER_HOME_DIR}/tmp" mkdir -p "$USER_TMP_DIR" # Define temporary file to store IP information TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE="${USER_TMP_DIR}/ipinfo-${SSH_SESSION_LOGIN_DATE_EXEC}.txt" # Retrieve IP information from ip.nguyenanhung.com using curl curl "https://ip.nguyenanhung.com/json?ip=${SSH_CLIENT_IP}" -s -o "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" # Extract location information from the temporary file SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_CITY=$(jq -r '.city' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION=$(jq -r '.region' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION_NAME=$(jq -r '.regionName' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY=$(jq -r '.country' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY_CODE=$(jq -r '.countryCode' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ISP=$(jq -r '.isp' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG=$(jq -r '.org' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG_AS=$(jq -r '.as' "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" | sed 's/"//g') # Check if SSH_CLIENT_IP is in the whitelist IN_WHITELIST=false for ip in "${WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS[@]}"; do if [ "$SSH_CLIENT_IP" = "$ip" ]; then IN_WHITELIST=true break fi done # If SSH_CLIENT_IP is in the whitelist, exit without sending alert if $IN_WHITELIST; then read_df_info=$(df -h / | tail -n 1) read -r disk_filesystem disk_size disk_used disk_avail disk_use_percentage disk_mount <<<"$read_df_info" ssh_login_uptime_output=$(uptime) ssh_login_uptime_only=$(echo "$ssh_login_uptime_output" | awk -F', ' '{print $1}') ssh_login_uptime_only_trim=$(echo "$ssh_login_uptime_only" | awk '{$1=$1};1') ssh_login_load_average=$(echo "$ssh_login_uptime_output" | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}') ssh_login_load_average_trim=$(echo "$ssh_login_load_average" | awk '{$1=$1};1') server_os_compatibility=$(grep '^ID_LIKE=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2- | tr -d '"') os_compatibility="${server_os_compatibility^^}" swap_total=$(free -m | awk '/^Swap:/{print $2}') swap_used=$(free -m | awk '/^Swap:/{print $3}') if [ "$swap_total" -eq 0 ]; then swap_usage_percent=0 else swap_usage_percent=$(((swap_used * 100) / swap_total)) fi clear get_previous_login_info "$USER" echo -e "Current ${GREEN}$USER${NC} logged SSH on port ${GREEN}$SSH_CLIENT_PORT${NC} with IP address ${GREEN}$SSH_CLIENT_IP${NC} is in the whitelist. No alert sent." echo # Display login screen details echo "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "City" "$SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_CITY" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Region" "$SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION ($SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION_NAME)" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Country" "$SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY_CODE ($SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY)" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Organization" "$SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG_AS" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "ISP" "$SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Whois URL" "$SSH_CLIENT_WHOIS_URL" echo "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Server Time" "$(date) - $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "OS Name" "$(grep '^PRETTY_NAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -d= -f2- | tr -d '"')" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "OS Architecture" "$(uname -m)" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "OS Kernel" "$(uname -r)" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "OS Compatibility" "$os_compatibility" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "CPU model" "$(awk -F: '/model name/ {name=$2} END {print name}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Number of cores" "$(awk -F: '/model name/ {core++} END {print core}' /proc/cpuinfo)" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "CPU frequency" "$(awk -F: '/cpu MHz/ {freq=$2} END {print freq}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')MHz" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "System Uptime" "$(awk '{a=$1/86400;b=($1%86400)/3600;c=($1%3600)/60} {printf("%d days, %d hour %d min\n",a,b,c)}' /proc/uptime)" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Load average" "$(w | head -1 | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Usage of /" "${disk_use_percentage} (Used: ${disk_used} / Total: ${disk_size} / Free: ${disk_avail})" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Memory usage" "$(free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $3/$2 * 100 "%"}')" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Swap usage" "${swap_usage_percent}%" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Processes" "$(ps aux | wc -l)" check_service_processes() { if has_command mysql; then printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "MySQL" "$(count_processes_by_user "mysql") processes" fi if has_command nginx; then printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Nginx" "$(count_processes_by_user "nginx") processes" fi if has_command php-fpm; then printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "PHP-FPM" "$(count_processes_by_user "php-fpm") processes" fi } echo "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" check_service_processes echo "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Users logged" "$(who | wc -l)" ServerPublicIPv4="$(ip addr show | awk '/inet / && !/ {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | grep -Ev '^(10\.|192\.168\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]))')" ServerPublicIPv6="$(ip addr show | awk '/inet6/ && !/scope link/ {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | grep -vE '^fe80|^::1')" if [ -n "$ServerPublicIPv4" ]; then printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Public IPv4" "$ServerPublicIPv4" fi if [ -n "$ServerPublicIPv6" ]; then printf "| %-16s | %-58s |\n" "Public IPv6" "$ServerPublicIPv6" fi echo "|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|" # Copyright echo echo -e "Script Manage Server version ${SCRIPT_VERSION} by ${PURPLE}Hung Nguyen${NC} ${GREEN}${NC}" if command -v "fail2ban-client" &>/dev/null; then echo echo -e "Follow the SSH ${YELLOW}brute-force${NC}: ${GREEN}secure-failed-password${NC}" echo -e "Check for failed logins and banned SSH IPs: ${GREEN}sshd-ban-status${NC}" echo -e "Check ${YELLOW}IP Address${NC} is banned: ${GREEN}ssh-ban-check ${NC}" fi echo echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo # Unset unset disk_mount disk_use_percentage disk_avail disk_used disk_size disk_filesystem read_df_info unset ssh_login_load_average ssh_login_load_average_trim ssh_login_uptime_only ssh_login_uptime_only_trim ssh_login_uptime_output else ServerPublicIPv4="$(ip addr show | awk '/inet / && !/ {print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | grep -Ev '^(10\.|192\.168\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]))')" if [ -n "$ServerPublicIPv4" ]; then SERVER_IPADDR="$ServerPublicIPv4" else fetch_public_ip() { local CHECK_URL IP for CHECK_URL in "https://checkip.amazonaws.com/" "https://icanhazip.com/" "https://whatismyip.akamai.com/" "https://api.ipify.org/" "https://cpanel.net/showip.cgi" "https://myip.directadmin.com/" "https://ipinfo.io/ip"; do IP=$(curl -s --max-time 1 "${CHECK_URL}") && [ -n "${IP}" ] && echo "${IP}" && return 0 done return 1 } SERVER_IPADDR=$(fetch_public_ip) fi # Telegram Configuration TELEGRAM_ALERT_URL="https://api.telegram.org/bot${BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage" # Create alert message for Telegram TEXT_MSG="*${SSH_SESSION_LOGIN_TIME}*: User *${USER}* logged in *SSH* to *${SERVER_HOSTNAME}* (${SERVER_IPADDR}) from *${SSH_CLIENT_IP}* - ${SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG_AS} (${SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG}) - ${SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_CITY}, ${SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION}, ${SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY} on port *${SSH_CLIENT_PORT}*" # Save logs LOG_FILE="/var/log/ssh-login-alert.log" # Ensure the log file exists and is writable (silently ignore permission errors) if [ ! -e "$LOG_FILE" ]; then touch "$LOG_FILE" 2>/dev/null && chmod 666 "$LOG_FILE" 2>/dev/null fi # Append log if the file is writable if [ -w "$LOG_FILE" ]; then echo "$TEXT_MSG" >>"$LOG_FILE" fi # Send alert message to Telegram if [ -n "$BOT_TOKEN" ] && [ -n "$CHAT_ID" ]; then curl -s --max-time 5 -d "chat_id=${CHAT_ID}&parse_mode=Markdown&disable_web_page_preview=1&text=${TEXT_MSG}" "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_URL" >/dev/null fi # Free up variables to lighten memory usage unset TEXT_MSG TELEGRAM_ALERT_URL unset SERVER_IPADDR fi # Remove temporary file rm -f "$TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE" # Free up variables to lighten memory usage unset IN_WHITELIST unset SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG_AS SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ORG SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_ISP SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY_CODE SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_COUNTRY unset SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION_NAME SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_REGION SSH_CLIENT_LOGIN_CITY unset TELEGRAM_ALERT_SSH_TMP_FILE SSH_SESSION_LOGIN_DATE_EXEC SSH_SESSION_LOGIN_TIME unset SERVER_HOSTNAME unset SSH_CLIENT_WHOIS_URL SSH_CLIENT_PORT SSH_CLIENT_IP unset RED GREEN PURPLE ORANGE CYAN YELLOW NC fi unset BOT_TOKEN CHAT_ID WHITELIST_IP_ADDRESS PARSED_IPS_FROM_CONFIG
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